Got the dog out to Confederation Park, and some late…

Evening Ride on the Langdale Ferry
The 40-minute ferry from Horseshoe Bay in West Vancouver to Langdale on the Sunshine Coast can provide magical views of mountains, water and sky.
And yet, on this gorgeous March evening, hardly anyone was watching or even looking up. The viewing deck was mostly deserted, with maybe ten riders braving the late winter chill. Down below, most passengers stared at phones or laptops. Perhaps these were regular riders, commuters for whom vistas like these have become ordinary. Which is a shame. We live in a wondrous place here.
I grew up in Portland, certainly a gorgeous city in its own ways. But when I moved here, I was awed daily by what I could see just walking around, even from the heart of downtown Vancouver. The mountains. The water. The ever-changing dance of clouds and light.
I try to never lose that childlike wonder.